Monday, May 9, 2011

Now on MEGHnet only

I started blogging on Megh Bhagat on June 10, 2010 and then wrote first post on  MEGHnet on July 3, 2010. Nirat was started on August 30, 2010. Then few more blogs I created and deleted. Blogging is an addiction that increases with a variety of subjects. Creating a blog for the categorization of subjects is good and many famous Bloggers of the world have taken the same route. Hindi Blogging also could not remain unaffected.

Meanwhile, I noticed that my blog Beyond Spiritualism was read by people abroad. For Dr. Dhian Singh's thesis on Kabirpanthis I created a separate blog. Then came few readers with a big bang and with high speed writing. I had to create discussion pages (blogs) for them and also make a discussion group which has a growing membership now.

But the overall experience is that, in a way, it all got scattered.

Now I have thought to bring articles from other blogs to MEGHnet and future posts will be on MEGHnet only. This will bring variety of topics to MEGHnet and fresh air as well.......

You too will like it.......... 

मैंने 10 जून 2010 को Megh Bhagat पर ब्लॉगिंग शुरू की थी और 03 जुलाई 2010 को MEGHnet पर पहली पोस्ट डाली. 30 अगस्त 2010 को निरत लिखना शुरू किया. उसके बाद कुछ ब्लॉग बनाए और मिटाए. ब्लॉगिंग एक नशा है जिसे विषयों की विविधता और बढ़ाती रहती है. विषयों के श्रेणीकरण के लिए अधिक ब्लॉग बनाना अच्छा है. विश्वप्रसिद्ध कई बलॉगरों ने यही रास्ता अपनाया है. हिंदी ब्लॉगिंग भी इससे अछूती नहीं है.

ब्लॉग Beyond Spiritualism को विदेशों में देखा गया. डॉ. ध्यान सिंह के कबीरपंथियों पर लिखे शोधग्रंथ के लिए मैंने एक अलग ब्लॉग बना दिया. कुछ पाठकों की रफ़्तार बहुत तेज़ थी उनके लिए डिस्कशन पेज (ब्लॉग) अलग बनाने पड़े. एक डिस्कशन ग्रुप भी बनाया जिसकी सदस्यता बढ़ रही है.

लेकिन कुल मिला कर अनुभव ने यह था कि यह सब काफी बिखर-सा गया था.

मुझे लगा कि अपने अन्य ब्लॉगों से आलेखों को मेघनेट पर ले आया जाए और भविष्य में केवल मेघनेट पर ही पोस्ट्स डाली जाएँ. मेघनेट को मेरे परिवार के लोग बोर ब्लॉग कहते हैं :)) 

परिवर्तन अच्छा ही होता है. इससे मेघनेट को विषयों की विविधता मिलेगी और तज़ा हवा भी.......आपके आने से इसे संबल मिलेगा.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baba Faqir Chand - Dr. David C. Lane-2

Expanded letter to Bharat Bhushan

I don't know if I told you this, but I was in contact with Faqir a few weeks before he died.

He called me at my mom's home (this was before he had to go to the hospital). He was planning (along with his doctor) to come to Los Angeles and stay at my mom's home.

We had arranged for him to give an extensive interview and have it taped for television, etc. Sidenote: this was a trip that was to be fully funded by John-Roger Hinkins, as he provided Faqir and his doctor with two first class tickets, as per my request (J.R. and were on friendly terms back then).

I remember that Dr. Sharma tried to see if I could get another ticket from J.R. so he could fly with Faqir as well, but I told him that it was unnecessary and inappropriate given the costs, etc.
However, Faqir took ill.

My last phone conversation with Faqir is when he called my mom's house and he sounded quite good but said his health was taking a toll on him. We talked about him coming to Los Angeles and how excited I was to see him again and how my mom had given her house for the weekend for his use, etc.

It was my last conversation with him. He said other things as well, but this is not the place to discuss them.

After Faqir died, I got a phone call from his attending physician who asked me how well I knew Faqir..... I said I knew him through my research.

He told me that Faqir was the most unusual patient he ever had. I said, "Why?" The doctor said that Faqir was in a coma but awoke shortly before he died and said, "I am not in a coma, but deep meditation. I wish to die consciously."

Shortly thereafter, Faqir died.

I still vividly recall the conversation as the doctor called me when I was staying in San Clemente at that time.

We were all heart broken.

Dr. Sharma, one of Faqir's successors,  also confirmed the same with me, and said there were other things he wished to write about (with me) in a book we were supposed to do.