Thank you so much for this added material.
I too found some old memories relating to the time I met her. I don't know if I mentioned this, but at my meeting she indicated that she would take me within if I so desired..... more on this in the little magazine I am producing. I am including your wonderful account and pictures.
How is Professor Bhagat Ram Kamal doing these days? Is he being well received as the spiritual master?
thanks again,
Dear David,
Here I want to clarify that during conversation with Yogini I asked her twice whether she did inner practices. She categorically denied it by saying that Sadhana is Maya only. After some time I repeated my question in context of inner visions. She did say 'nothing special'. I must add that people are sometimes habitual of inner practices. Sometimes they do it consciously and at other time it may not be deliberate. This habit of Sadhana can result in being in a state of mind where they may be experiencing something but with a 'nothing special'.
Prof. Kamal is doing lot of hard work. He goes on tours and brings money for the temple. He has a following even outside Hoshiarpur. But his path is not without hurdles. As you know our Indian society is a caste ridden society. Bhagat Munshi Ram belonged to Megh caste (broadly known as Meghvansh). Dr. I.C. Sharma was a Brahmin. Initially Manavta Mandir was considered to a center of Brahmins. However Baba Faqir Chand admitted people from other castes and also appointed a low caste Bhagat Munshi Ram to work as Satguru in his place. I have been told by Captain Lal Chandji that Sharma approached him to say that Bhagat Munshi Ram was not to be accepted in the field as he belonged to low caste. Mr. Lal Chand has mentioned this incident twice. Sharma was doing that sort of lobbying. Obviously caste becomes a major factor in every field. That is why after death of a guru all such factors become prominent. People disobey their spiritual masters and keep working on caste lines. The case of Dayal Kamal is also not different. He was indirectly called a ‘Chamar’ by a spiritual leader. (Calling somebody a Chamar is against the law of the land but flouted very frequently). A political party built up atmosphere against that incident and the situation was diffused. Mr. Kamal has conducted very prudently in many odd situations.
David, I am of the firm view that all religious activities are basically financial activities. Spirituality is used for enhancing inflow of money. In Indian context it is being used to exploit poor masses. It is broadly caste based again. When money starts flowing to low caste gurus preaching ‘worship of the Formless’, Sikhism, Radhaswami Mat, Arya Samaj etc. appear with more colorful tags. The intention is to divert flow of money to the advantage of high caste. The masses, since centuries, forced to remain illiterate through religious sanctions are easy preys. But I fail to understand why people from counties having good level of education fall prey to Indian spirituality and religions, whereas spirituality prevails everywhere on earth.