Sunday, January 2, 2011

Truth Always Wins-3 - Baba Faqir Chand

Chapter Three
Yesterday a thought flashed through my mind about the "Real Truth" in this world. In this world duality prevails. Truth and falsehood both play their role. If we accept this worldly truth and falsehood as the Real Truth or Real Falsehood, then observations and experiences prove that many times speaking of truth has proved very harmful whereas by speaking falsehood or telling lies, people have gained and enjoyed all mental pleasures. Those who speak truth are looked down upon and they are made to suffer. So I have come to the conclusion that neither this is the real truth or the real falsehood. The scriptures and the religious people stress so that others should not be hurt. But on the other side, if you speak the truth it does hurt others. This observation and the practical life, compels you to find out the real truth.  What is "Satyam" or the truth in this world? Whatever you do in the state of your waking, you must reap its fruit. But if you tell a lie to the life of an innocent man, it is not a sin for you because your intentions are pure and unselfish.
I, being a Faqir, think where is the goodness and virtue in this world? I have come to this conclusion after a long research that sentiments and feelings of other should never be hurt for selfish pleasures. If any young boy intentionally troubles any lady, girl or his parents and relatives, it is not an act of virtue. It is not "Satyamev Jayate."  Data Dayal Ji had asked me to do this work for the redemption of the world. What more can I do except speak the truth? Nowadays, except for a few, everybody is adopting corrupt methods to achieve his or her selfish end. Nobody bothers about the loss and harm done to others. Government servants do not perform their duties sincerely. The shopkeepers charge higher prices for less weight and for adulterated things. Every day there are strikes by Government servants, doctors or teachers or railway men. Do you think that all this is "Satyamev Jayate"? No, therefore humanity would definitely face calamities and troubles. Often, I think, what can I do for the mankind and my country? I cannot change the situation through a miracle. I impart true "Nama" and true knowledge. I show you the right path for having a happy and contented life; if you do not follow it, it is not my fault. Nobody can save you from the reaction of your good and bad deeds. I am explaining the truth in very simple words because I am cautious
about the miserable bed of the saints of past. Sant Kabir, Tulsi Dass, Paltoo Sahib and Paramhansa all were the great saints, but they still had miserable ends. It proves that they suffered due their own deeds. Then "Satyameva Jayate" is that you should not adopt deceitful, hypocritical and insincere methods towards others for your own self. Be sincere to yourself; you are responsible for your pains and pleasures. Anybody may be Sadhu, Sant, Param Sant, Puir and incarnations of God, and is sure to reap the benefits of his deeds. This is the truth. Guru is not the name of the Physical body but of the truth knowledge, Vivek (power to discriminate). In this illusive world, "Satyameva Jayate" is to remain virtuous in your word, thought and deed. As this is not an easy path, saints have propounded the method of Surat Shabad Yoga for those who desire to tread this way. You can save yourself from good or evil deeds by attuning your Surat to the Eternal Sound within. Now the question arises, is there any scientific proof to prove that he who follows the path of Surat Shabad Yoga is emancipated from the reactions of good or bad deeds? So far, there is no positive answer, but mere hypothetical theories are accepted. What would happen if you see light and listen to the Eternal Sound at the time of death? The sound (Shabad) would manifest only when your "Self" is above mind, when your self has merged in the state of thoughtlessness. Or say Shabad will only manifest when your self is detached from body, mind and Soul. When Surat crosses the barriers of this trinity, it merges in its original form, it source, and this stands emancipated from the effects of any deed. This argument appears very convincing to the intellect, but practical experience can be had only after death. You come to worship me, prostrate before me, make salutations to me and make offerings to me. All this will not help you attain liberation. You may feel some pleasures out of this devotion of ignorance. But you will be redeemed only if you follow what I say and if you practice it in your life with strong determination. I have not propounded any new philosophy. I am repeating what the earlier saints have already said, but my method is different. I have no reservations. Understand the Truth from sat sang, and make your life.  I am a family man and I know how difficult the family life is. It is just walking on the edge of the sword. Always have a watch over your mind. Before going to your bed, think over what evil thoughts you entertained during daytime and make efforts to mend such thoughts in the future. This is not a process of one day. Everybody is bound to suffer or enjoy according to his previous Sanskara's and deeds. Why should I make claims that I am a saint of the time when I do not manifest anywhere? Why should I tell a lie? Had I not spoken this truth, I would have collected huge wealth. But why; and what for? If you think that my cause has any worth for mankind, you may help the Mandir according to your capacity, position, or will.  I never say that you should disown your Gurus. I do not say that you should not offer anything to your Gurus. This world stands on the principle of give and take. Whatever you give, you get, this is the law of nature. Whom so ever you believe as you guru, consider Him the Supreme Being. Keep your intentions pure. I worldly life too, if somebody kills someone unintentionally, he is acquitted by the court of law. Do follow the path of inward Sadhana. Life is most precious. Do your best to realize your Real Abode from where you have come down to this earth under the effects of your own past deeds.