Saturday, January 15, 2011

Truth Always Wins-7 - Baba Faqir Chand

Chapter 7
He who thinks himself different from Guru is in duality. Therefore, I lay stress time and again on this fact that if you remain attached to the physical existence of any Guru, you shall not get liberation.
Our mind is within and our thoughts are also within. The questioner within is the disciple, and he who answers within is the Guru. When the questioner gets satisfactory answers to all his queries, he becomes silent. When your mind does not have any more questions or when your mind has no desire to know anything, it becomes silent. This state of silence is known as the union of Guru and Disciple. Adoption of truth is not the worship of Baba Faqir Ji or his manifested form. The truth is your own "self." I am emancipated from duality and thus I want to see you emancipated. I wish that you could understand the truth and save yourself from the exploitation of Mahatmas and so-called Gurus. Be grateful to a true preceptor. One who forgets the good done to him is a thankless being. I am not ungrateful. I have gained this knowledge from you and now in return I serve you with my sermons and money. You enjoy an inexpressible bliss by merging in your own form. There is always brightness shining on the face of the saints. They can speak about the inner feelings of the visitors to them. I do not know what the other saints gained by merging in their real form. But I know my experience. When I dwell in my own "Self," I enjoy the feelings of fearlessness, happiness, peace and ecstasy. Man becomes peaceful after gaining the true knowledge of self. This is the truth. I have heard the agents of religious centers visit the householders and compel them to part with1/10th of their hard-earned money for the Guru. I proclaim, I am saint of the time. Beware your donations would not liberate you. Those who understand my words and adopt them in their lives are my disciple. This life is a bubble of consciousness. This bubble is the creation of His will and it will vanish at Hiswill. I am nothing, but still, I am everything. I have been a son, a brother, a husband, and father, but I do not ensnare myself in this world of attachments. This is the essence of all the religions, but none tries to understand it. What is to happen must happen, so why make hue and cry? Saints live in the state of forgetfulness. For me, the spontaneous form is that I am a bubble of consciousness. I do not claim that I am a God. He who claims himself as Brahma is not a practical man. He may be intelligent and well-read. If someone is really Brahma, let him do some good to the suffering humanity, or at least save himself from sorrows and pain. None can do it. All harvest the fruit of deeds. I am not a hypocrite. I have done my duty as an honest disciple. If I also face some unbearable disease in my life, I shall say, "O man, do not live an honest life." If you are to suffer even after living an honest and virtuous life, then why be noble and virtuous? But I understand, you cannot avoid the fruit of your previous deeds.
Excerpt One
I know that the Guru is one's Supreme Ideal. However, many innocent women simply follow the bad example of Gurus who manipulate them. They touch the feet of Gurus who (in turn) exploit them (sexually). A woman Guru at least will not exploit their chastity. Once, I was giving a discourse in a village near Hoshiarpur. I was speaking on "Ashta Padi" and I noticed one gentleman and a lady weeping. When the discourse ended that gentleman came to me and said "Baba Ji, I was weeping over my own deeds." I asked about his deeds. He narrated his story in these words, "Baba Ji, I used to sit by the side of a Guru and sing hymns. Foolish ladies used to bow at my feet as well as those of the Guru's. . . I have deprived many young girls of their chastity." O my dear daughters, sisters, and mothers, I am very careful (and concerned) about you. Never go to any Sadhu to touch his feet. Do not touch his feet; do not touch their feet even if God Himself comes in the form of a man. My wife never touched the feet of my own Guru, Huzur Data Dayal (Maharishi Shiv Brat Lal), whom I worshipped believing Him to be God Incarnate. She used to bow to him from a distance. Then I asked that lady why she was weeping in Satsang. She had scars on her hands and neck. I asked what had happened to her. She said, "My husband hurts me with a knife." I asked, "Why?" "Because I go to Beas to attend Satsang," she replied. "Why do you go there without the permission of your husband?" I asked her. She replied, "Baba Ji [this could mean either Sawan Singh or Charan Singh--the context is not clear] calls me." Then I asked her whether she receives any letters from Baba Ji. She said, "No, Baba Ji appears within and directs me to attend Satsang at Beas. My husband does not allow me to go, and thus I go stealthily. When I return, he injures me with a knife." I told her that she should have written to her Baba Ji and asked if he invites her to attend his Satsang." All this is due to sheer ignorance. Many families have been ruined due to such ignorance. You offer all your earnings to such Gurus whose forms you yourself visualize within you. Many visions are simply the manifestation of your own mind.

1 comment:

  1. bhushan jee , dr. I C sharma was very good friend of mine. most of ghis diosciple in hoshiarpur and lucknow are aware about if.
